The Redemptive Work of the Cross – The Church

Oct 20-21, 2018 Aries Zulkarnain

In this age of technology, there is a rising trend of Christians “attending” church online. With the...

In this age of technology, there is a rising trend of Christians “attending” church online. With the launch of The CHC App, it is now easier than ever for City Harvest members to tune in to the live webcast of the weekend services—but can that replace actually being in church? Aries Zulkarnain explains how the church is a timeless truth, even in the digital age, because Christians are called to come together as the Body of Christ, as Hebrews 10:25 exhorts: “Let us not neglect our meeting together”.





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Jessie Tan Jac Sin

Great App! Thank You 😁

Sean Aaron

Such a good reminder!!


ah I think my message didn’t get through.. just wanted to say thank you Pastor for such an important message!!! the theology of the body is entirely relevant to church—we are saved not merely to be forgiven sinners, but because we were made to form the bride of Christ.


LOVED the sermon, Pastor Aries!!!! Was so happy to hear theology of the body in the explanation of what church is about. so often we forget the foundation of love: we are Christ’s bride, and the end of the cross’s work is to be united with Him as a husband and wife are joined.