Losing, Suffering, Sacrificing And Dying

3 Feb 2024 Dag Heward-Mills

Guest preacher Bishop Dag Heward-Mills from Ghana delivers this powerful message about four spiritua...

Guest preacher Bishop Dag Heward-Mills from Ghana delivers this powerful message about four spiritual appointments for every Christian. Losing is part of following Christ— Jesus said “whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it”(Mt 16:25). Suffering is part of the Christian’s calling; tribulation is a door through which we enter the Kingdom of God. Sacrificing is an inherent part of Christianity; we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1). Dying to self, taking up one’s cross is a daily practice for the Christian. It is through these four appointments that a Christian, having lost, suffered and died, bears fruit for God. Be encouraged by this word to pay the price for God.


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Gerald Pang

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills delivered God message that is real and worthy of my 2 hours.
My 11 years of reborn through CHC was a testimony. God sent me to Christmas sermon of Pastor Kong 11 years ago after my self was drowned with numerous financial burden, health, marriage, business crisis etc. God raised me up in these 10 years for putting my business into sleep and progressively debt free, family reconciliation and helping the need.
Last year, my business restarted with 10,000 times in sales value and revenue; as Bishop mentioned, one could only be strong after Losing, suffering and Dying.

Sebas 梁国钧

Powerful. When we do all that is right yet tribulation comes, God indeed has a plan. Through tribulation God is bringing us and preparing for a destination that He is bring us to