
Jul 14-15, 2018 Aries Zulkarnain

If you don’t define who you are, someone else will define it for you (Edwin Louis Cole). In this fin...

If you don’t define who you are, someone else will define it for you (Edwin Louis Cole). In this final Emerge Conference 2018 sermon, Aries Zulkarnain drives home the importance of knowing one’s identity which comes from God and can be found in His Word, not in the world. An intimate relationship with God is both the beginning of our identity and the ultimate end of our destiny. To take hold of our true identity, we must understand that God is love, and He can only love and bless who we really are—not who we pretend to be. When we bring all we are to God—the good, the bad and the ugly—His love covers us and realigns us.





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