
Feb 2, 2019 Bobby Chaw

In this Lunar New Year message, Bobby Chaw delves into the topic of joy. During this time of year, t...

In this Lunar New Year message, Bobby Chaw delves into the topic of joy. During this time of year, the Chinese wish one another great joy for the year. The character 喜 comprises two words: drum and mouth, reflecting that “joy” means to make music, sing and laugh. While the world thinks of joy as happiness, the joy of the Lord is quite different. Christians are called to rejoice even when they least feel like it: joy is not determined by outward circumstances but a believer’s confidence in the Lord. Discover what it truly means to have the joy of the Lord be your strength.

在今年的农历新年信息,赵仁牧师探讨喜乐的课题。在这佳节时期,华人常常祝福彼此“恭喜恭喜”。 “喜”这个字由两个字组成—“壴”(鼓的本字)与“口”。这意味着的是“喜”的意思是作乐、歌唱和欢笑。这世界认为喜乐是快乐,但耶和华的喜乐却是迥然不同的。基督徒蒙召在我们最不想要的时候喜乐:因为喜乐不取决于我们的外在环境,而是取决于信徒对主的信心。了解”耶和华的喜乐是你的力量”的真实意义。




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