Kingdom of God (Part 11): The Demands of the Kingdom

18 & 19 Sep 2021 Kong Hee

The demands of the Kingdom of God can be very costly. In this sermon, Kong Hee preaches out of Mark ...

The demands of the Kingdom of God can be very costly. In this sermon, Kong Hee preaches out of Mark 10, unpacking the exchange between Jesus and the rich but discontented young ruler. Jesus loved him, and offered him a simple solution: to make the decision to sell everything he had and follow Him. But the man’s possessions were his first love; they were his idol. He could not accept Jesus’ solution. Do we love God or His blessing? Every interest in life must be secondary and subservient to the rule of God. In our heart of hearts, a radical decision must be made to willingly surrender all to our Creator. Listen to this message and let it realign your priorities to put God first, above all.


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